Mining the Inner Landscape

When the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back.—John O’Donohue

Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard. Anne Sexton

 Mining the Inner Landscape: Writing the Soul Awake

  • Do you wish to find a simple way to access your core content?
  • Do you wish to establish writing as part of your daily practice?
  • Would you like to have action partners in this process?

Then join us for this six week writing intensive where we will:

  • Examine the self as character:Using the Amherst Writers and Artists Method, we will delve into the body of beliefs, behaviors and back-story that inform self as character or a fictional character you are creating. We will write to specific prompts during each class with time for three writing exercises. Each prompt will build upon the last, providing insight and understanding that will continue to manifest long after the journey is over. Whether you are working on memoir, fiction, poetry or recovery, this is a great opportunity to engage your voice in surprising new ways and generate fresh, compelling content.
  • Establish a daily writing practice: Using a simple structure I have devised over many years as a writer and teacher, we will create a framework within which we claim room for our daily process. This sets forth a practice that can trickle down and benefit all other areas of one’s life where limiting beliefs, fears and goal-setting have been a challenge.
  • Exchange weekly reports: Using an easy-to-follow format, we will share each week our progress, obstacles and observations. The weekly check in system provides an external accountability factor that prods in a healthy way and gives us the opportunity to share our writing triumphs and challenges with other writers.
  • When: Wednesday mornings 10am-1pm
  • Where: Alameda
  • Cost: $300 per month
  • Enrollment: Limited to 6 participants. No previous writing experience required. Beginners and experienced writers welcome.
  • To Register: Please email Eanlai at (Online option also available).


The AWA Method (Amherst Writers and Artists Method) remains the core organizing principle of this program. Writing, both as craft and healing tool, remains our main focus. The AWA Method  works as follows:

  • We will write together in response to exercises. Often, the content that eludes us when we write alone will pop up from the depths of our minds through the synergy of collective creative effort.
  • There will be time for three exercises.
  • Everyone will be invited to read what they have written. This is not a requirement.
  • We treat all work as if it were fiction, unless the writer specifically asks us to treat it as autobiography. Even then, we speak to the writing, not to the person. We’ll talk about “the narrator” and “the characters” in the piece as we give our feedback.
  • During feedback we will share what we liked, what stayed with us or what we found powerful about the work.
  • We keep confidential what’s shared in the workshop.

The benefit of establishing a simple daily practice and weekly check-in:

  • It provides structure for claiming writing in your daily life and creates a framework that can be applied to other passions.
  • It brings awareness to the places where resistance arises in relation to establishing self loving routines.
  • The weekly check in system provides an external accountability factor that prods in a healthy way and gives us time and support to share our triumphs and challenges as writers.

For further information about upcoming classes, add your name to my email list or contact me.