About Me
I was born and reared in a small village in southern Ireland, and experienced firsthand the trifecta of collective dysfunction: silence, denial, and lies. As a trauma survivor, I understand the long recovery required to piece oneself back into one’s skin, indeed, back into one’s own story. As such, I believe in the power of the written and spoken word to revive lost time and lost lives. For this reason, I’m dedicated to helping all writers, particularly women, return from silence.
With daily practice and recovery, I continue to transform my own tunnel of silence with spoken and written word. As Adrienne Rich says: The impulse to create begins – often terribly and fearfully – in a tunnel of silence.
Additionally, I was an elementary school teacher for ten years and currently am a writing workshop leader. I enjoy photography, searching for the elusive “perfect chair,” and public speaking.
My Method: Write the Soul Awake
As a veteran therapy-goer and long-time teacher, I have made of my journey a simple map and teaching method with inspirational roots from prior experience as an Amherst Writers and Artists (AWA Method) certified facilitator. It is a map back to the heart of what truly matters: how to speak our soul truth into being. Since then, my teaching method has evolved into its own unique shape. This teaching method is one I wished I could have had when I began my own trauma recovery 20 years ago.
My Write the Soul Awake Method is based on three simple tenets: 1) Permission to begin wherever we are, in life, and on the page; 2) Muscle memory to continue, word by word, step by step; and 3) Courage to complete our tasks, in life and in writing.
Every journey begins with a single step, Lao Tzu says. Let’s take that first step, or that next step, into your own creative rebirth.